An affiliate of Chabad-Lubavitch of Boca Raton

Who We Are
Our philosophy is to redefine old age as a reflection of much acquired wisdom and life experience. To view retirement life as a period in which a person can focus on intellectual and spiritual pursuits, and growth.

What We Do
The Wisdom Circle visits multiple senior living facilities in Boca Raton on an ongoing basis to facilitate Wisdom Circles, classes where seniors can learn, explore and reflect on ideas about Jewish history, tradition and values.
Contact Us
Rabbi Moshe and Henni Wolvovsky, Directors
7232 Via Palomar • Boca Raton, FL 33433
By the Numbers
16 Ongoing Classes
in senior living facilites across Boca Raton.
Programs in 23 facilities
spreading the Holiday joy
20 Seniors wrapping Tefillin
on average each week with a Wisdom Circle volunteer
100 Kosher Meals
distributed each month, fresh and delicious
2,000 Rosh Hashanah Packages
of delicious honey cake before the Jewish New Year
2,500 Purim Packages
Traditional Mishloach Manot
1,500 Matzahs
Handmade Shemurah Matzahs delivered before Passover
300 Lulav Shakes
with seniors to celebrate the holiday of Sukkot